Clare Songbirds submissions are open twice a year. Spring submissions are accepted from January 15 to February 28 and Summer submissions are accepted from June 1 to July 31 each year. All submissions must be made through Submittable. Poetry manuscripts of up to 40 pages may be submitted as a chapbook. Manscripts of more than 40 pages must be sent as book length work.
Clare Songbirds is only accepting submissions of poetry at this time. Manuscripts must be uploaded in MS Word file format, no other file types will be accepted. They should be written in English using either New Times Roman or Arial font between 10 pt and 12 pt. We strongly discourage poems in a visual form (shaped like an animals or objects as they do not format well on a smaller book page). Manuscripts must have a Table of Contents.
The staff here at CSPH look forward to reading your works. Please allow 2-4 months for a response to your submission (wait times will vary depending on the number and size of manuscripts received). We close operations from Nov 1-Dec 31.